Activities for Reception….

While you are off school please keep yourself busy with the following activities. Remember to continue learning through your play too!

We have created 10 days of work for you for you to go alongside all of the remote learning you are doing with us. 


  Phonics/Writing Maths Extra 
Day 1

Practice saying the phonics sounds here.

Now visit

Select phase 3 digraphs. Sound out and blend the words and then click the matching picture. 

Visit the White Rose Home Page here

Select the most recent week (The top of the list) and work on a maths activity of your choice each day. 



Please have a look on Google Classroom for the Numberblock episodes that would be great to watch to support our current learning in maths. 



Here are some links to a variety of maths games suitable for Reception. select maths and explore some of the maths games.

Subitise with Jack Hartmann. What do you see and how do you see it?



Learn how to form the numbers here.

Here is a link to some super songs and rhymes. Can you join in with them and do the actions?



We are learning about spring this half term.  Explore some spring themed games here.


We are learning about Easter this half term. Learn some more about Easter here.


Can you create a spring or Easter themed picture? Maybe you could create a repeating pattern Easter egg? or a spring garden painting?


Have a look for a recipe together and have a go at making this at home.






Day 2

Visit and select the activity 'Sky Writer.'

Use this to help you practice forming the letters of the alphabet.

Watch them form in the sky and join in by writing them in the air.

Now write the letters on paper or on a whiteboard.

Day 3 Practice reading some of the focus words you have taken home from school. Can you find a green froggy, cool blue, yellow I or Miss oh no sound in the words? Ask your family to hide some of the words around the house. Now can you go on a focus word hunt, find the words and read the ones you find? Can you create some other word cards using your monster phonics sounds to help you (mum, dad, Tom, park, town) and build sentences using your words cards and the focus word cards? 
Day 4

Using the sound cards you have taken home from school can you build some simple cvc words like; cat, dog, pen, sun, kit, bell, huff? Sound out the word on your fingers, build the word using the sound cards and then write it down. Can you make a list of word? Can you draw a matching picture? Maybe you can build some nonsense words too!

Day 5 Play Picnic to Pluto. Click the link below, select phase 3 and pick a sound we have already learnt to practice reading. Sound out and blend the words. Is it a real or nonsense word?
Day 6

Play Bella the builder and help Bella to build the words.

Select phase 2 or 3 and pick some sounds to focus on. Listen carefully to the word, sound it out and click on the sounds needed to build the word.

Day 7

Go outside and look for signs of spring.  

Draw a picture of the signs of spring that you see. Now can you label some of the things in your picture using your phonics sounds. Can you write some short sentences using words that you can spell using your phonics and your focus word cards. You could write something like; I can see... It is a.... The flowers are.....

Day 8 Can you sound out the word to match the picture? Can you use magnets or your sound cards to build the words? Can you write the word? Now can you write a sentence like this; It is a cat.    A big bag.   Write the CVC words | Teaching Resources
Day 9 Read and listen to some Monster Phonics stories together and discuss what happens. What focus words can you read? Can you sound out and blend some of the words?
Day 10

Can you read the word and match the picture?


Here are some ideas for activities for Nursery to complete.

Go on a hunt for sounds around the house. What can you find that makes a loud sound? quiet sound? a ting sound? a bang sound? Can you think of some words to describe the sounds you find and hear? Play a listening game together. Can you guess what the sound is? Can you practice copying and writing your name?  Can you do some subitising (say how many there are without counting) up to 3 around the house? How many apples can you see in the apple bowl? How many trees do you see in the garden? Choose some songs and rhymes to sing together. Can you create some actions? Can you make some props? Use dough to make some creations. Can you use the scissors to cut the dough? Can you use a knife and fork to cut the dough?
Practice your cutting skills. Ask your mum or dad to draw some straight lines, circles or zigzags. Can you carefully cut along the line or around the shape? Can you draw a picture of you, your friends and your family? Don't forget to draw all of the body parts on the people that you draw. What sound do the names start with? Can you practice forming the letters the sounds make? Play Teddy Bear Numbers using up to 5. Collect some junk modelling and art materials. What can you create together? Can you use your creation to make up your own story? Can you use your other toys in the story too? Can you use paint and explore mixing some colours? What colours can you mix? How can you make the colour lighter or darker? Now you have a lot of colours can you paint a picture? Maybe you could paint a spring picture.


Monster Phonics

Visit the website for free home learning resources. Have a go at some word searches, read the stories and practice your sounds. Practice the sounds here- There are some stories and songs here

Here is the parent login for the Monster Phonics Website. You can access lots of Monster phonics printables here. 

Username: parents

Password:  homelearning


Education City

Visit the Education City website and login to access lots of education games that will support maths, English and understanding the world development.

Your child's username is their first name followed by a zero e.g Tom0   

The password is dog.


Oxford reading tree e-library- Running out of books to read? Sign up to use the free e-library.

Phonics play- Log onto Phonics play and choose some phonics games to play. Select phase 1 games for nursery and phase 2/3 games for Reception.

Practice your number formation here with me

Practice your letter formation here with me

Reception practice writing the focus words we have been learning in Monster Phonics here

Visual recipes to try out at home- These recipes have symbols making it easier for children to follow and read them with more indepedence.

Sing some songs!-

Cosmic kids yoga- relax with some yoga

Smiling mind relaxation- sign up for a free account and use the 3-5 year old meditation sessions. (There are some lovely ones for grown ups relaxation  too!)


Remember to rest, relax and also do some exercise to look after your body and mind. Search for Cosmic kids yoga, Joe Wicks and Just Dance for Kids.


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