Here at St Mary's we love learning and using Makaton! 

Makaton is an inclusive language programme that uses signs and symbols to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order. The children at St Mary's have become passionate about using Makaton to ensure everyone is included. We believe that if we learn and use Makaton, and also teach others how to use Makaton, we can help everyone to believe in themselves, achieve and fly like an eagle! 

The children at St Mary's are fantastic Makaton signers! We enjoy using Makaton in school, at home, when we are out and about, and to sign along to our favourite songs and hymns! We learn new signs and symbols in our Makaton worship, whilst maintaining the ones we already know. As well as learning lots of Makaton to help us effectively communicate with others in our day to day lives, we have also learnt how to sign our three core school values, our half termly school values, our school motto, our school Bible quote and the Lords Pray! We always look forward to learning more Makaton together.

To find out more about the Makaton Charity please click on the following link


Our value this half term is peace. Can you sign peace? 

Learn how to sign peace with Nikki and Lucinda here.

Check out our Worship Blog to see what we have been learning in our Makaton worship. Even in lockdown we were able to teach Makaton and the word of God remotely.


If you want to learn some more Makaton please visit these links.

Learn with Nikki and Lucinda

Learn with singing hands

Learn with Mr Tumble

Learn Makaton and BSL with Isabella


Finger spelling

Can you sign the alphabet? Can you sign your name? What else can you spell?

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