Welcome to Class 1

We are looking forward to welcoming you into Class One. Class One is made up of both Nursery and Reception pupils. We love learning together through our play!

In Class One learning takes place through a combination of child initiated activities, self chosen learning through play within the indoor and outdoor provision, adult modelled play activities, independent challenges and focus activities led by an adult. We teach the children around stories, poems, non fiction texts, the seasons, celebrations and also follow the children’s interests and fascinations. It is through all of these experiences that the children are given opportunities to explore and develop their skills in the prime areas of learning (Personal & Social, Communication & Language and Physical Development) and the specific areas of learning (Literacy, Numeracy, Understanding the World and Expressive art & design) as identified in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Development Matters guidance. Below are the links for these document to help you learn more about the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage

Development Matters

We have many areas of continuous provision within our setting which the children love to explore. Some of these areas include water, loose parts, sand, role play, reading, mud kitchen, calm areas, fine motor, writing, creative, reflective areas, maths, small world and construction area. These areas are developed and enhanced regularly which gives the children freedom in their learning and opportunities to continue to build on their skills in so many ways. We also have different themed activities set out to support all areas of learning. The children have daily free flow access to the indoor and outdoor provision all year round, whatever the weather!

Our local area and community also play a huge part in our learning. We love to visit St Mary’s church, litter pick in the local area, show respect at Colton war memorial, visit the mobile library, relax in the church garden, post letters at the pop up post office, take calm walks in the area, build our muscles at Colton park and we have even visited some of the houses in the community; we visited Colton house to see a huge pumpkin, and we also picked a Christmas tree one year from the garden!

It is through all of these opportunities that each child in class one is able to build a love for learning, friendships, respect for others, resilience, perseverance, self-confidence, independence, self-esteem, and they learn to believe in themselves and fly like an eagle!

What are Class One learning at the moment? 

During the first part of the autumn term we will be settling into school life, learning about our routines, building friendships and learning how to play with others. We will learn all about you - under our theme of 'Marvellous Me!' We will also learn about autumn and more!

In addition to our themed learning outlined above, we will garden, visit the local area and community, go into the forest for outdoor learning, have fun in dance and drama, and learn through our play. All of these experiences will continue to help us develop and build our skills in all areas of learning.

This half term the children in Reception will start their journey in developing their reading skills with the Monster Phonics! The children will learn the first sounds that the letters make and start to learn how to segment and blend simple CVC words. We will send home lots of resources to support the children in their learning and so that you can get involved too. In maths we follow the White Rose Guidance and build on and embed our mathematical skills through play. In RE, our learning this half term will be themed around Creation. 

Nursery will spend lots of time learning and developing in all areas through their self chosen play. They will have the support and guidance from the adults in the setting who will be there ready to support and develop their learning with them wherever appropriate. Nursery will take part in the 'Foundations Monster Phonics Programme' where they will develop their listening, attention, sounds, music, rhyming, oral blending and segmenting skills. This underpins everything they will need to help to prepare them for the next phase in their phonics learning in Reception. 

We are so excited to welcome your child into the St. Mary's family. We have lots of fun learning opportunities planned which you can keep up to date with on our blog and through Class Dojo. 

If you would like to arrange a visit to our Early Years Setting here at St Mary's please contact the school office. We would love to welcome you and show you around! 


Class 1 timetables

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