After School clubs

We have a range of exciting clubs on offer for Autumn term 2021. 

We are proud of the After School Clubs and Enrichment activities we offer our children as we believe that this is integral to a rich and varied education. Our children are encouraged to practise existing talents and learn new skills by joining one of the clubs available to the children. Clubs are organised by the school staff and outside organisations. From Archery to Dance and Drama there really is something for everyone. Why not sign up your child for one of this terms clubs?

CLUBS 2022 Summer Term

YEARS 1-6 Fencing Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm
YEARS R-6 Dance and Drama Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm
YEARS 3-6 Choir  Wednesday 4-5pm 

Years 1-6



Art club 

Recorder club 

Monday 4-5pm 


Monday lunchtimes 

We will also be offering intervention and homework club opportunities for year 5 and 6 groups throughout the week with Miss Lambert.

For the summer term we will have a PE club every Tuesday lunchtime. 

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