At St. Mary’s

we impress upon our children the value of looking neat and smart at school.  Our expectations are that all children will wear clothing that is in keeping with a purposeful learning ethos.  Our expectations are based on the belief that a school uniform:

  • promotes a sense of pride in our school
  • engenders a feeling of belonging
  • is practical and distinctive
  • identifies the children with the school
  • is not distracting in class
  • makes children feel equal to one another in terms of appearance
  • is affordable
  • is flexible and offers choice

The uniform is listed below.  While the blazer (KS2 only) and jumper are branded, if need be these can be purchased without branding.  All other items of uniform can be purchased at a variety of supermarkets, online shops or high street stores.

We appreciate that the cost of school uniform can sometimes be high, and so the school will hold second hand uniform sales throughout the year, particularly in the Summer Term.  We also ask departing students if they have any good quality uniform which can be donated back to the school. 

If you are having difficulty with any aspect of the school uniform, please contact the school to discuss this.

We follow the DfE guidance on uniforms.


Our uniform supplier for the branded items is:


Global Trading, based in Walton on Trent.

WB Global Trading Ltd Here

20 Bells End Road


DE12 8ND

Tel:  01283 711538


Please note that uniform ordered from White Lodge will bring in additional funds directly to school. 




Smart black trousers, culottes, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress, or red and white gingham dress with gingham collar, (no white collars or two-pieces).

White short-sleeved polo-shirt.

Red v-neck jumper with or without our embroidered St. Mary’s school logo.

Red cardigan for summer term (with or without the school logo)

Plain black flat buckled, Velcro or lace-up shoes – please make sure that children can tie their own laces if wearing lace-up shoes.

Plain black socks or black tights.



KS1 – Year 1 and year 2


Smart black trousers, culottes, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress, or red and white gingham dress with gingham collar, (no white collars or two-pieces).

White formal shirt or blouse.

Red v-neck jumper embroidered with the St. Mary’s school logo.

Red cardigan in summer term with or without the school logo. 

Plain black flat buckled, Velcro or lace-up shoes – please make sure that children can tie their own laces if wearing lace-up shoes.

Plain black socks or black tights.

Black and red striped school tie, (standard or clip-on).



KS2 - Years 3 to Year 6


Smart black trousers, culottes, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress, or red and white gingham dress with gingham collar, (no white collars or two-pieces).

White formal shirt or blouse.

Red v-neck jumper embroidered with the St. Mary’s school logo.

Black school blazer with red trim embroidered with the St. Mary’s School logo.

Plain black flat buckled, Velcro or lace-up shoes – please make sure that children can tie their own laces if wearing lace-up shoes.

Plain black socks or black tights.

Black and red striped school tie, (standard or clip-on).


Please note, trainers should only be worn for Physical Education lessons.





The only jewellery that children are permitted to wear are watches, (from year 2 onwards), and safety studs for children with pierced ears.  For safety reasons, earrings must be removed for PE and swimming, therefore we would advise ear piercing to be done at the start of the summer holiday.  Staff are not allowed to remove earrings from pupils nor are children allowed to wear plasters. 


The wearing of make-up and unconventional hairstyles is discouraged and children are asked to wear black or red hair bobbles.  Children with long hair must wear their hair tied back in a ponytail, plait or pigtails.  This is for health and safety reasons and to prevent the spread of head lice.  No headbands or other hair decorations should be worn.




Plain black shorts – no logos.

Plain white t-shirt – no logos.

Plain black tracksuit, or black sweatshirt and black jogging bottoms, (warm clothing for outdoor games) – no logos.





KS2 only – parents will be informed when their child’s year group will be swimming:


Close fitting swimming trunks, (no swimming shorts), or swimsuit, (one-piece, not bikini style).

Swimming cap*



*Friary Leisure Centre insist that all children MUST wear a swimming cap.



Science, Art and Craft Activities


Protective clothing, such as a man’s shirt or overall with sleeves is recommended.



Environmental Studies


A pair of wellington boots is required when children are undertaking Environmental Studies.  For Foundation Stage children who regularly use the school garden, we ask that a pair of wellington boots is available at all times.


Forest School

All children will take part in Forest School, which takes place outside and, as the old saying goes:


         ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather only unsuitable clothing.’

                                                                                             Alfred Wainright


So, it is extremely helpful if the children can be provided with warm waterproof clothing for their time outside. For children who have specific outdoor learning sessions during the term it is extremely important they have the correct clothing or unfortunately they will not be able to take part in these sessions.


The more layers the children can have on the better as this allows them to regulate their own temperature and put layers on and off depending on how they are feeling. As they already have their uniform on it can be helpful to provide them with jumpers/zip up fleeces to go over their school jumper and then on really cold days a pair of loose joggers to go over school trousers or tights.


The next layer they need is waterproof clothing. There are several styles available from all-in-ones that are fleece lined for winter, (which negates the need for the zip up fleece and joggers), or thin all-in-one suits that do still require extra layers underneath.  For the older children separate waterproof trousers and coats are advisable.  Insulated snowboard trousers are also very effective and allow the children to sit down on the log seating and stay warm and dry for a whole session even if it is raining.


It will be the children’s extremities that feel the cold the most so extra warm socks/welly socks and hats and gloves will be vital during the colder months.


Finally their footwear needs to be waterproof so outdoor trainers will not be effective at keeping their feet dry and as you can imagine with a mud pit and heavy rain trainers can be impossible to clean down and dry out for the next day’s lessons.  So, wellies or snow boots are the best option this time of year.


As mentioned there is a lot of water and mud during the wetter months so the clothing the children wear for outdoor learning will get very dirty from time to time.  They learn so much through hands on investigation of the natural world that we do not want to have to deny them this valuable opportunity.


Please could all the clothing be labelled and kept in a labelled bag on their peg.  Their wellies are also to be clearly named with a waterproof pen or name label.


Children will be asked to bring old outdoor clothes to school when participating in Forest School activities.






All items of clothing lost property at the end of each term will be recycled.



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