Please see below some additional home learning if you complete your weekly remote learning with your teacher. We use the maths workbooks that follow the White Rose scheme in school. Please contact the school to arrange collection of the maths workbook. The home learning for each year group has been carefully selected so that children can work as independently as possible. However, due to the children being younger, they will need input for each task. Within the extra activities, please feel free to link this with children's interests. These are just suggestions of activities that could be completed at home and follow our topics this half term. Please also refer to our knowledge mats as they contain book suggestions and key information for each topic.


Year 1





(Education city activities also support these sounds)


Day 1

Follow the White Rose website, please contact for the specific lesson to start on. https://whiterosemaths



Alongside the White Rose homelearning lessons, there are Education City maths activities.


Please also allow children to complete at least one Big Maths test per week – found on the school website.

Sidney Spider – A Tale of Friendship

Read the story together, discuss your likes and dislikes and complete the post it notes on page 5 and 6.

Today’s sound is ee. Watch the video: /watch?v=bPo0J9eMQt4&fe

ature=emb_title and complete the worksheet.



What are festivals and why do we have them?


1.Advent – Read through the powerpoint about advent Research an advent candle. Make an advent candle.

2.Diwali – read through the powerpoint about Diwali and make candle holders.

3.Purim – read through the powerpoint about Purim. Plan your own Purim party.


Local History

1.Research your local town/village and write a report about it. 

Day 2

Recap the story together. Look at the speech bubble on page 7. Can you work out who is saying each piece of speech in the story. Complete the quiz on page 8.

Today’s sound is ea as in meat and sea. Read the powerpoint together and complete the worksheet.

Day 3

Look at the vocabulary on page 9. Discuss the vocabulary and work through the activities. Can you use these words in a sentence? Can you think of any words that mean the same?

Today’s sound is the er sound. It can make 2 sounds in a word. Read the powerpoint to find out which 2 sounds it can make. Read the flashcards together and then complete the worksheet.

Day 4

Sing the Incy Wincy spider song on page 10. Create your own actions to the song. You could also look at the Signing Hands Makaton video. Can you create your own song/poem about spiders?

Today’s sound is ir. E.g. third and first. Read the powerpoint together and work through the worksheet.

Day 5

Read the letter on page 11 and complete the missing capital letter/full stop activity. Then write in your best handwriting. Don’t forget finger spaces!

Spelling test

Day 6

Look at page 12. These words are called prepositions. Can you complete the sentences. Then try to think of some other prepositions to explain where a spider might hide. E.g. between, beneath, over.

Today’s sounds are o-e and i-e. Children have learnt these sounds in school already. We have practised words such as bone, home, like and fine. Please make a list of words for each sound and then complete the worksheets.


1.Research animals and their habitats. Think about an animal that lives far away. What does it need to survive? What is its habitat like? Make a miniature model of the animal in its habitat. You could make it in a shoebox.

2.Go on a minibeast hunt and create a minibeast habitat or bug hotel.

3.Research an animal of your choice and write a report about where it lives and what it needs to survive.



Local History

1.Research your local town/village and write a report about it. 

Day 7

Complete the spider fact file on page 13. Then go on a minibeast hunt and complete the activity on page 14.

Look at the ai sound and compare the a_e spelling.

Read the Monster Phonics online book: https://monsterphonics .com/books/stage-4-sample/

Complete the ai and a-e worksheets

Day 8

Create your own creature fact file on page 15.

Look at the oi sound as in oink, coin and soil. Write as many words as you can with the oi sound. Discuss any words that have the same sound but different spelling. Complete the worksheet.

Day 9

Bake the spider biscuits and write instructions to make them on page 16.

Look at the oa sound.

Watch the Monster Phonics video:

Complete the oa worksheet

Day 10

Complete the activity on page 17.

Spelling test


For further Phonics lessons, please look at the Monster Phonics home learning webpage. It contains videos, powerpoints and worksheets for most of the Year 1 graphemes.

When working with children in English, please correct letter formation, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Children could practice any incorrect letters and spellings several time to try to retain the correct version.


Year 2





(Education city activities also support these sounds)


Day 1

Follow the White Rose website, please contact us for the specific lesson to start on. https://whiterosemaths



Alongside the White Rose maths lessons, children can also play on Times Table Rockstars daily, use the activities allocated on Education City and CGP Maths books.


Please complete at least 1 Big Maths test per week – found on the school website.

Read the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker. There’s a soundcloud clip that you can listen to as well. Complete the post it note questions on page 6.

Look at the o grapheme making a ‘u’ sound such as ‘other and nothing’. Watch the Monster Phonics video:


Complete the worksheet.

CGP Maths book – next test

CGP SPAG book – next test

CGP Reading book – next test



What are festivals and why do we have them?


1.Advent – Read through the powerpoint about advent Research an advent candle. Make an advent candle.

2.Diwali – read through the powerpoint about Diwali and make candle holders.

3.Purim – read through the powerpoint about Purim. Plan your own Purim party.

Day 2

Reread the story together and answer the questions on page 7 and 8.

Look at the ey grapheme. Watch the Monster Phonics video:


Complete the worksheet.

Day 3

Complete the vocabulary activity on page 9 and use the words in sentences.

Complete the word sorting activity on page 10. You could highlight the words in the story using different coloured pens for each type of word.

Today’s sound is an ‘a’ making an ‘o’ sound when it’s used after a ‘w’ such as ‘was’ and ‘want’. Watch the video: https: //

Complete the worksheet.

Day 4

Design a new outfit for the elves on page 11.

Today’s sound is ‘or’ making an ‘er’ sound when it’s used after a ‘w’ such as ‘work’. Read the Monster Phonics powerpoint and complete the worksheet.

Day 5

Read the letter from the Cobblers on page 12 and write a letter back to the Cobblers on page 13.

Spelling test

Day 6

Complete page 14 by planning your own story with a beginning, middle and end.

Today’s sound is ‘ar’ making an ‘or’ sound such as ‘war’. Read the Monster Phonics powerpoint and complete the worksheet.


CGP Maths book – next test

CGP SPAG book – next test

CGP Reading book – next test



1.Research animals and their habitats. Think about an animal that lives far away. What does it need to survive? What is its habitat like? Make a miniature model of the animal in its habitat. You could make it in a shoebox.

2.Go on a minibeast hunt and create a minibeast habitat or bug hotel.

3.Research an animal of your choice and write a report about where it lives and what it needs to survive.

Day 7

Write your story. Once you’ve finished it, use a purple pen to check spellings, full stops and spellings.

Today’s sound is an ‘s’ making a ‘zsh’ sound such as television.

Read through the powerpoint and read the flashcards together.

Day 8

Complete the investigation on pages 15 and 16.

Continue with the same sound. Read through powerpoint 2 and complete the worksheet.

Day 9

Complete the riddle activity on pages 17 and 18.

Today’s sound is ‘ti’ making a ‘sh’ sound such as ‘station’. Watch the video and complete the worksheet.

Day 10

Reflect on the activity on pages 19 and 20.

Spelling test


When supporting your children with English, please correct letter formation, finger spaces, full stops and spellings that have occurred throughout the text. They could practice letters that they consistently form incorrectly and write spellings 3 times to help them to remember.



Year 2 home learning



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