10 March 2023
I am sure that by now many of you are aware that the NEU, (National Education Union), have declared further strike action will take place on:
Wednesday 15th March
Thursday 16th March
I have been made aware by the NEU, that some of our staff are part of the NEU in our school. Teachers legally do not have to inform the school of their decision to strike but in order to best be prepared Class 1, (Reception and Nursery), will be closed on Wednesday 15th March. PLEASE NOTE WE WILL BE OPEN AS NORMAL ON THURSDAY 16TH. .
I therefore urge you to make alternative provision for your children on this day. I understand this may be disruptive but please know that striking is not a decision that any of my teachers will take likely. As a school and academy, we fully support the staff's right to strike. Teachers are not simply striking because of their pay, as the media narrative may lead many to believe. Those who choose to strike, will be striking for the general funding crisis in the education sector which directly affects staff, children and families in our community.
If your child is in Class 1 and is entitled to free school meals, pupil premium funding or is on the special educational needs register we will look to offer provision/support if needed. Please contact the school office today to discuss this.
Thank you for your continued understanding during this difficult time for us all.
Kind regards
Mr Wynn
Head Teacher