24 April 2020

School Closure work 24th April 2020


Year 1:

Year 2:


Username: march20

Password: home


Use the login for Phonics Play:  https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/

Please could children complete at least one Phase 5 phonics game a day. Feel free to choose a sound for them to focus on.


Please continue to learn the spellings and test them on a Monday like we would in school.

Please keep learning the spellings that are uploaded onto the website and test them every Monday like we would in school.



CGP books – Continue to complete a test from the maths, spag and reading book each week. Please mark these books at home and work through the answers together if possible.



Please complete lesson 5 in Summer Week 1 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website. Children have very briefly covered this in school.


Activities will also be available on Education City to support learning

Please complete lesson 5 in Summer Week 1 on White Rose Maths Home Learning website.

Children have very briefly covered this in school.


Activities will also be available on Education City to support learning


(Writing focus)

Year 1:

Where is the wind coming from?

Imagine you can see the other half of the picture.

  1. Draw it
  2. Write a description.


Make sure your description has:

-Capital letters and full stops

-Spellings sounded out using the phonics mat

-Use the s/es rule if you need to

-Finger spaces between words

-Tall capital letters

Year 2:

Where is the wind coming from?

Imagine you can see the other half of the picture.

  1. Draw it
  2. Write a description.


Make sure your description has:

-Commas in a list

-Capital letters and full stops

-Contractions  (it’s, don’t, he’s)

- conjunctions (but, or, so, and)

-Tall capital letters

Guided Reading:

Choose a story from little listeners to listen to throughout the day/weekend



Continued from Monday




What happened in this part of God’s Big Rescue Mission (the Bible timeline)?



Answer (for adults): This shows humans’ relationship with God falling apart when Adam and Eve ate the apple and were sent out of the Garden of Eden.


Class 2 school closure resources

Category: Class 2 School Closure

School & College Websites by Schudio