7 May 2021

The Year 4 National Multiplication Check has been confirmed as going ahead this year, and it will take place on the first week back after half term (week commencing 7th June).


Please take the time to ensure that your children are logging into TTRockstars at least once a week (the soundcheck is very similar to the check), and they can also practice on this website - https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/ - which is also set up to be similar to the check. 


The mulitplication check will take no longer than 5 minutes, and will give the children 25 multiplication questions. They will be focused on the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables, as these are considered the hardest. Each question is shown for 6 seconds before it moves onto the next, to test the children's rapid recall. 

Posted by Mrs Conlon

Category: Class 3

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