21 May 2021

Next term's subjects:

  • English - We will be using The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe to create our own portal stories. 
  • Maths - Both Year 3 and Year 4 will be learning about Time next term. Then, Year 4 will move onto statistics while Year 3 move onto the properties of shape.
  • History - We will look at the History of the UK. 
  • Science - The Working Scientifically unit will involve lots of experiments! 
  • RE - We will be exploring pilgrimages and scared places. 
  • PE - Rounders and tennis! 

PE will continue to be on Monday and Thursday. 

Spellings will be taught each morning with the test on Friday.

All pencil cases have been sent home, please take the time to check your child has the equipment they need: a pencil, sharpener, rubber, ruler, whiteboard pens and a pen if they have a pen license. 

Outdoor Learning will take place on Wednesdays for those who didn't participate this term. Please ensure they have messy clothes with them on a Wednesday, as the children are likely to get muddy! 

Have a lovely break,

Miss Milward

Posted by Mrs Conlon

Category: Class 3

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